Disc — Glimmers of fate 2024




Composer and talented pianist from Sevastopol, Tatyana Velikodvorskaya, and singer from St. Petersburg, Alexandra Zaryankina, formed their musical duo ten years ago. In 2014, under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of Crimea, they performed successful joint concerts in Sevastopol and Simferopol. Tatyana Velikodvorskaya’s beautiful romances were warmly received by audiences in St. Petersburg.

Works by contemporary composers hold a special place in Alexandra Zaryankina’s rich repertoire. For many years, she dreamed of recording the poignant romances by Tatyana Velikodvorskaya, set to poems by Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, Boris Pasternak, and modern poets of Crimea.

A distinctive feature of this album is that it features music performed by the composer herself. Tatyana Velikodvorskaya traveled to St. Petersburg to record the disc with Alexandra Zaryankina.

The album, titled «Glimmers of Fate,» paints musical portraits of women, exploring themes of love and separation, hope and happiness, open arms, and intertwined hands.


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